
Our Promotional Product Satisfaction Guarantee

Few companies in the promotional marketing industry actually commit in writing to a satisfaction guarantee for their clients. We do!
We know that when promotional products are manufactured, there are things that can and do go wrong. But we carry the burden so that you don’t have to, regardless of the position of the manufacturer.

Here is our commitment, in writing: 1st Straw Marketing & Promotions guarantees all products ordered by its clients to be exactly as presented, ordered and approved by the client without product or printing defects. Furthermore, we guarantee that, when all stated met, your products will arrive as scheduled for time-sensitive promotions, barring unforeseen acts of nature. If the deadlines are products you receive do not meet these criteria, we will gladly replace them or refund your money upon their return to us.

Follow this link for the 1st Straw Procedure for placing Orders and Artwork Guidelines. Here you will find details of the essentials to help ensure your project is satisfactorily produced and 1st Straw Marketing & Promotions is able to uphold its guarantee.